Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This commercial reel includes a wide variety of comedic, casual, enthusiastic, and dramatic ads. Male voice (18-35)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, we get it after a long day, you just want to relax and not have to worry about spending hours in the kitchen and that's where we come in with over 25 varieties of chef prepared meals. You'll be sure to have a fresh and delicious dinner ready for the table and we even deliver right to your door. There are no hidden fees here for us. It's your money when you want it because that's what makes trustworthy banking. Every issue is packed with fun facts about each animal with breathtaking images, games, puzzles and so much more. All your favorites from elephants, giraffes, flamingos and even sharks do not use if you have certain medical conditions new or worsening heart failure and problems controlling your bladder. Stop taking. If you develop nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, ask your doctor if it's right for you want to step it up this year. Show them what you got with the best deals on everything back to school, plus buy one, get 1 40% off, even on sale.