Business Explainer + IVR Demo Reel - no beds

Video Narration


Samples of unbedded voiceover for business, including attributes/styles of confident, believable, conversational, knowledgeable

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from code to cloud to whatever comes next, everything is accelerating and you're under pressure to securely enable innovation and deliver what the business needs and fast. There's a story behind everything you wear and use on a daily basis. Do you know where those items were made and how California make a plan to vote early and vote no in the recall election. As a teacher, I'm constantly searching for new ways to spark curiosity. In my classroom. These patients have struggled through multiple lines of ATP competitive TKS without seeing results or can't tolerate the treatments they've been prescribed and urgently need something more, something different. Hello, Thank you for calling sample law. We are unable to answer your call at this time. At the tone, please clearly state your name, telephone number and the reason for your call, we will respond at our earliest opportunity. This is where the change makers, the visionaries and the driven come together to create a healthier world.