Michel Plaxton

Profile photo for Michel Plaxton
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This VO demo shows my work in both radio and television, as a narrator mostly and character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello, I'm Michelle Plaque Stone, and this is my voice over demo. Okay, so you got the TV, but your wallet doesn't seem quite ready to make the leap. THD Cogeco can help you turn your HD TV into an all sports movies. Cool nature shows hot TV series. You name it. You got it all in glorious HD TV with a free HD receiver rental for 12 months. Call 1 809 Cogeco Go high Death without the high price here at wine rack were just full of surprises. Like the fact that Pauline are Woodbridge store manager plays in a steel drum band. Another surprise at wine rack wall. ARU Trail, a delightful blend of Australian and Ontario wines exclusively at wine rack. Wine rack. Always a nice surprise. There's lots of cooking shows, but only one rocks and rolls and moves to the music. Feed the bed musically inspired meals. No purchase necessary. And if you want to know how that's even possible, visit bell dot c a for details. Your am brain size of a planet and I'm explaining Contest. We're up your winter with View Order any regular movie on view throughout December and you're automatically entered for a chance to win one of 10 Disney Price packs. V Extreme Max. Your Mentally Provo, Europe is a photo max. Your defeat Extreme Max. You keep dominate. Keep issue. If you defeat extreme emotional, all of a sudden upturn is risky. Remain in Mendola excess water Duration. Ford Server Neff Sauce account off. Ohlemeyer Person, Scapa City The Shot The Upton issues get one in the laughs over Russia program for sick leave. A weaker profit is up on our living marked Jubal troop ship process and four seven causes so separate while is your new political.