Commercial Demo 2019

Profile photo for Michael O'Connor
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mikey O'Connor. Have you seen the Ford Fusion? It is loaded navigation keenness entry, cruise control, EcoBoost engine, rear view camera, all wheel drive. Those four people thought of everything. Good news. You have Maur. More data, more devices, more users. More service is more to protect than ever. Bad news, more threats. And they're not just increasing in number. They're changing, evolving, getting smarter every day. Now the company who built the Internet is here to protect you from Cisco. Cisco Security. Why do I feel so powerful? I haven't been to the gym and months. Is it the granola bar that I had this morning? That's F Swedes. Ah, you've reached Netflix as a joke. Leave a message after the beep. They welcome to Amoco. Check a free app to help with the upkeep of one of your biggest investments of time and money. Your home with tools for scheduling, helpful reminders, seasonal suggestions and preventive tips. Amoco check is customized to fit your home and preferences. Brighten up your room with just your voice and adjust any time just to touch phone tablet to control all your smart devices from a single dashboard, and it's totally free that's even better. So next month, when you get your insurance bill who sweets If you don't have auto insurance and you need it now or if you're insured, but you want a better price, this is your way to get Get your free quote in minutes. Call. Ever quote now.