Nand General (Characters) VO Reel

Profile photo for Nand Mahasuwan
Not Yet Rated
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A little demo that I created when training under Maile Flanagan (English voice of Naruto).

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
shifting streak. Fried beans will wait. That's not right. But it's okay. It's a lake Monster will give your old of meat red meat, white meat Bring me Wait. Is there agreement? You must continue to live out your life with all your might. You must never consider your own life to something insignificant. And you must never forget about your friends who love you. Go forth if you will. But remember my words. Sure. Maybe you're crazy. Laser can move the moon Maybe can even make it snow all summer. Maybe you can get rid of long afternoons playing baseball. You may take away summer, but you'll never take away my vacation. Please, indeed, your help. Peace Tell Pizzas Circuit that once I have restored peace in Chiangrai if we will fight at Lex side against the Kingdom, will you fight by my side for freedom? Now let me get this straight. You want me to give up and let everyone go nowhere with that? Hi, it's Derek from Sam. Now he'll be saying awesome every time. It's like a shammy. It's like a tunnel. It's like a sponge. A regular tell doesn't work wet. This works went floor dry this for the house. The car, The boat. The RV Sham now holds 12 times its weight liquid. Look at this. It just does the work. I just love it. I know you've become quite the media darling on Britain. This is my home. Oh, my God. This isn't so. Who do you think you are? What makes you think you could just give me fat milk? I want to speak to your manager.