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Warm, funny, sarcastic, guy next door, soft-spoken, neighborly, trustworthy, friendly, conversational, cartoony, believable

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What's the best way to describe what 7-Up tastes like. Imagine stepping off the plane after months of hard work and you see that beach you've been dreaming about beautiful or watching your kid hit a walk off home run in the ninth inning. That's my boy because every sip of an ice cold. 7-Up feels just that amazing. How fast is your internet connection or have you just grown accustomed to seeing that spinning wheel of death every time you try to watch a video? Think summer's over. Well, think again in the gorgeous Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina, September and October are still very summer like so you can stretch your summer with ease. They say that if you think everyone is out to get you, you're paranoid. But when the threats of having your identity stolen are everywhere, maybe paranoia is just good thinking. That's why we take protecting your identity very seriously. You're adorable, newborn didn't come with instructions. So we've compiled everything you need to know at Pampers dot com.