Introduction for Video Series

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Introduction for Video Series

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


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introduction. I want to take you on a journey. It makes me happy that you have joined me. The purpose of the journey is for you to allow the Lord to work in every area of your life to free you from bondage so you can fulfill his purpose for you. You may or may not be aware of the places in your life where you need freedom, but I want you to begin thinking about them throughout your past. You can recall some experiences that have brought you to this point. All of us have events we didn't know how to handle if we don't manage them well, then our toxic thoughts start constructing a house and that house becomes a prison. Words were spoken, actions were taken, people entered or left your life. You may have even created some of those difficult situations through your own sins and failures regardless of the circumstances. If you allow the devil to whisper to you in your pain, it laid the foundation for many of your struggles today. You know, you don't want to be where you are, but you simply can't find a way out of it. I decided to follow Jesus more than 40 years ago, but it took many years for the Lord to set me totally free. As I was growing up. My parents weren't Christians, although they did follow the Lord later in their lives even more. I was particularly rebellious and immoral when I finally gave my life to the Lord at 19, I was saved, but my life was still a mess. I was in bondage in almost every area of my life. It took many years for the law to set me free. But it didn't need to take that long. I kept struggling because no one gave me the type of resource you are now reading. In fact, I didn't even know I could experience the card of freedom you will learn about in this book. I needlessly floundered in bondage for many years, which kept me from fulfilling God's purpose for my life. I married my wife, Karen more than four years ago, but I was in such bondage from the way I grew up that I almost destroyed our marriage. I took the pain from my past and transplanted it into our relationship. I love my wife, but I was having a terrible impact on her. Although the Lord began to suck both of us free. It still took several years to be taken out of bonded and we were the cause of the delay, Not the Lord. While I live needlessly in bondage for many years, your story does not have to be the same. I finally uncovered the lies. The devil had been telling me and I discovered God's truth which liberated me. When you learn his truth, it will set you free too. As you follow me along this journey, I'll show you how the devil tries to put you in bondage, but I will also tell you what I have learned about. The freedom Jesus offers. The next 21 lessons are going to transform your life and every relationship in it. We will begin to see God in a new way, what he is doing to do in your heart will transform you and set you free first. I encourage you not to go too quickly because the process may take longer than you expect. Let God take over and do what he wants to do in your heart. You may need to take several days or a political lesson and it may take you even more time to process some things, work at your own piece but allow God enough time to work. I also urge you to go back through the process when you want or need to do it. You can do it more than once or you might want to go through select days again. Let God keep doing a deep work in your life Second don't skip lessons because they all fit together, go through each one of them because they really do build on each other. However, I repeat some important concepts, finally work through the exercises throughout each lesson. These exercises are particularly important to help you apply what you have learned, We will spend a lot of time together on this journey and in the end I believe you will find out total freedom. I believe that for you you will change and a different person will emerge, the person God made you to be Now I want to say a prayer for you as we begin. Then right after that, I want to ask you a very important question. Before you begin the first lesson. Father, I thank you for my friends who are joining me on this journey. I pray you will bless them and be with them. On the way. I ask you to set them completely free to love, follow and live for you. Lead each one to become the person you created them to be in, jesus name, army.