HR Presentation 2018


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Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


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Hey there. In this presentation, we will be going over all of OPD s great accomplishments in 2017 and give a sneak peek of what's to come in 2018. First up Team HR team is holding strong with Brooke Ellis, our HR coordinator, who handles most of the OPD HR responsibilities from day to day because also helps with reporting. We've added Brim Strand to help out with background checks and e screen for new employees and those requiring access badges for their various clients. Let's talk about recruiting. I know that you guys have tons and tons of jobs that you need filled yesterday. Hiring for today to be quite a challenge but provides many opportunities for tomorrow. Remember the best way to obtain and retain top talent here. PRG is to ensure that each of our job postings are specific to the market clients and specific skill sets should be included in all job postings. So let's talk about growth. By the start of 2017 opened 71 heading into 2018. OPD is really, really picking it up a notch, with 30% of clothes at 100 to important. OPD is also open third office in Fort Collins, Colorado. OPD currently operates in 44 states, with a total of 15 clients nationwide. Some of our clients include Charter Spectrum, Comcast Comport You, Duke Energy and Touch People, Fiber Intersection and CNC Mediacom and EEC. Bonus Cope, PS Lightwave, RCN, Spirit, Communications and identify. As you can see, Troy and Charles have been working like mad Men to keep that was growing. Now let's take a look a 2018. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come. One of the biggest changes you've experienced in 28 is how we operate with insurance benefits. We've added Compass Group to help us with our insurance selection process for all of our as a valued employees of project resource is, you are automatically provided with health care concierge service compass at no cost. Whether you need help making sense of using health care benefits. Finding great doctors. Union families lowering health care costs are solving billing issues. Start with compass. Since the first of the year, accomplices provided in estimated cost savings of $309 per user. They resolved 200 claims involving Dr recommendations, helping with plan selections, answering insurance questions providing cost estimate and helping out with feel review. By now, you probably realize that Project three sources Group has changed slightly. PRG now operates in construction, project management and outside plant damage. Under the leadership of Buying Hall, our time keeping system has also changed. Chris Fuller and this team Steve Mog and Adam lists have developed PR jeans. New Time Keeping System My PRG. Doing Away with the biometric State velocity is also in full swing. At the beginning of the year, PRG ended their Professional Employer Organisation relationship with me in charge. All employees information can now be found in philosophy. This project was implemented by Steve White Trollers Corporate team as well as the various HR groups for OPD CPM New employee Handbook is scheduled to be rolled out in March, while much of the information staying the same way will be adding information on PRD's company history and updated social media policy, conflict resolution message as well as probationary period changes, including FMLA requirements. Many of us here have no idea of the history of PRG in the updated handbook be adding a section in the early days of the RG 17 years ago, we'll talk about how it became such a successful, robust company blazing a trail across the country as we grow. We never want to embarrass Brian Troy, our colleagues or our clients. Don't let the hammer fall by misrepresenting the companies that have your position or title listed this PR do on your Facebook instagram linked in Twitter, you may be subject to scrutiny on your various posts. Our new campus will also outline how we solve employed disagreements because, like any workplace, sometimes conflict is inevitable. Unfortunately, there are times when employees will threaten legal action. At the first sign of disagrees, he only uses legal action as a final resort. Instead, we encourage mediation. Mediation is when 1/3 party is able to step in, listen to the issue at hand and offer up an unbiased solution. Changes to our introductory wait period may be made. This is pending approval because we all do business in at will for cost states. You may be able to do away with 90 day probationary period Onley waiting period for on boarding employees in the open enrollment for insurance and PTO utilization. FMLA is becoming easier to. We're no longer requiring employees to have more than 50 employees within a 75 mile radius. The only requirement is working with ER do for one year or logging 1250 hours in my P urges New York in California may have separate loss So that's it. You've done great things in 2017 OPD. Here's to an amazing 2018. Thank you.