
Profile photo for Keith Shull
Not Yet Rated


I produced the demo, including VO and music. I also wrote many of the scripts on this demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to new patient protocols for the I. C. U. My name is keith and I'll be your coach today. We recommend that you take each lesson in order. Our goal today is to teach you a new way to look at saving, spending, investing and debt management so you can make wise decisions. Remember mismanaging your money is the same as throwing it away. Blue beam is a pdf editing markup and collaboration tool. You will use it to collect markup and email, electronic service request packages or sRS between. In this module, you will conclude your study of the sacraments. The continuity between old and new testaments is emphasized. You will also be introduced to a variety of views on the sacraments, topics covered include the relationship between baptisms. Welcome to distribution improvements will give a brief overview of the work we perform and how the work moves through our organization.