Ad Demo Examples (Upcoming show, Upcoming pet expo, Old Spice ad)

Online Ad


three ads showing what I would sound like in an ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
serves up, watch our series chronicling the journey of three men searching for the biggest waves in the world through candid interviews with their families and friends. We get inside the heads of extreme surfers embarking on a rush of a lifetime serves up tonight on the extreme summer Sports Network. It's that time of the year you've all been waiting for the exotic pet parade is here, this saturday, bring your lizards, iguanas and rare birds to strut their stuff at the fifth annual market circle exotic pet parade or just come and watch all the action. All sizes and kinds of pets are welcome. Just be sure to register online at pet parade dot com first. Hello ladies, look at your man. Now, back to me now. Back at your man. Now, back to me sadly he isn't me. But if he stopped using lady's scented body wash and switched to old spice, he could smell like he's mean. Look down back up. Where are you? You're on a boat with the man. Your man could smell like. What's in your hand Back at me. I have it. It's an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love? Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like old spice and not a lady, I'm on a horse