Commercial Reel #2

Television Ad


Commercial Demo featuring Coffee Ad, Fast Dining, Apparel and more. (Voice age 18-35)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So whether you want to go out, stay in or be in the middle of it all at a perfect hotel when you're ready and save an exquisite carbon a sauvignon, the finest and around ist fred's the silky texture, distinctive bouquet. These things take time. It's where one look can say it all where they grow up way too fast. It's where comfy, cozy meets creepy crawly two wheels. Somebody's who have your back no matter what and a little time to cut loose. Running with your buddies is even better. The second time around, this is my squad raining so many three pointers. Meteorologists will call this tropical storm buckets when you ride. When you hang, when you plan, when Ewan plan when you do your thing. That's the spirit of baja. It's the Starbucks you love. Now with easier rewards, download the app to join Starbucks rewards today at participating stores, restrictions apply.