Video Game Demo



Video game characters including Pilot, Fairy Queen, Sorceress, Newscaster, Computer AI generated voice, Narrator/storyteller and Space Commander.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ignition. Confirmed engaging thrusters heading Vector 19 degrees. Locked into heaven horizon. Fire up the war room. Start the descent. Remember, you have the bullet shards theme in the platform has it's weaknesses. Used them to her advantage. I've never been able to choose what to do with my life. I'm like a puppet whose movements air dictated by others. Be gentle. Act like a lady. That's all I hear all day. They say They're preparing me to be queen One day. I am a princess born from the line of a fable prince and his long for gotten princess. You're the cruelest grandchild I never had. Back in my day, you would look for a criminal mastermind and find me. Nowadays. It's just a convoluted miss. A plot twists and melodramatic reveals. This is Emily Brady, reporting from Madison, New Jersey Unknown enemy forces have landed. Local residents are fleeing their homes for the newly formed safety zone located on Maple Avenue and James Street. Global Force Unit eight has arrived and is preparing for counterattack. Object detected. M one a two Abrams MBT object. Data loaded. Begin systems check. Yeah. Receiving instructions. Repair complete. Once upon a time there was a king who had only one daughter whom he loved very much. As time passed, King grow old, but the princess remained as young as ever. One day three, King asked the princess how much she loved him. What the ****? Dallas, The Dallas dwelling! You were supposed to be on that shuttle, You ******* son of a ***** calms. Do you hear me? It was Herman. He made this happen. He was the one on the shuttle, and our mystery dweller here was supposed to be on it.