Nan Weber's Narration Demo

Profile photo for Nan Weber
Not Yet Rated


I love historical narration so I chose these topics to highlight my interests. This was recorded at my home studio.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in 1960 promising law clerk out of Columbia Law School applied for a position under Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. The clerks resume was sparkling, graduating at the top of the class at Columbia Law School with recommendations from top professors. But the clerk was a woman, so she was rejected. Her name was Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she wouldn't be kept down for long. For astronauts on the international space station, even the simplest tasks can be complicated, like mealtime While preparing meals, astronauts have to tape ingredients to the table so they don't float away. And while eating, they need to strap their trays to their laps or the wall. But zero gravity has even more significant effects on their health. For years, archaeologists were confused. How could there be no dinosaur bones in the Grand Canyon? But as technology advanced and new carbon dating techniques were developed, Theano Sir became clear. The rock along the canyon walls is actually much older than the dinosaurs dating back nearly a billion years