Animation Gaming character child/teen



Various character spots showing a range of voices and emotions.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Harley Quinn coming through. They'll never escape my mallet. Wham bam slam. Yeah. Now I'm the ferocious cat woman with my cat like senses and sharp claws. You're positively done boy. My name is Aisha at school. I'm just an eight year old little girl in the backyard. I'm my God. This is like limp noodles. He's not limping. Yeah, he is. He needs a cane. No, he swore like the rocks were like an actual rock. Well, she wants out a terrifying cry. Sounds like a big baby. He lives in the muddy depths of the leg but comes to shore once a month to feed on a tasty little girl. He lives in the water. Then how does he breathe on land? Hello? It's me, Lemley. Lotus berry. Today. We will be examining your favorite thing. My favorite thing is my lab coat. I spun the silk myself. It'll take a little time but I can do it. Oh, I can help you with that stupid heart. It always winds up when I'm nervous. Welcome to the world of Seiki Ricky. A place where every search becomes a great adventure. I will follow the clues that will lead us to discover what animal stopped by your house at night, don't we? My math teacher. He never avoid deodorant were to holly go. Who cares? Let's make some smart