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Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


I voiced over the daughter in this video.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General) North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah. Are you ready for your history test? Yeah. I am so tired. How can you remember all these dates? Who fought him? Who killed whom? Who needs all this anyway? Now hold on. We need history. History teaches us not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Come on. So what did we learn? A lot. See what's happening in the world today? You don't understand. It's always been this way. Ma. You're contradicting yourself, by the way. Wears the contradiction. Oh, my bus is coming. Okay. Have a great day. Yes, Mom. By where is the contradiction? Have you seen the disturbances happening last night? And this is spontaneously happening all over the world now. It's terrible. Where their backing. Roland. I'm afraid to imagine what will be. I'm sorry. My daughter is right. History doesn't teach us anything. But why is it really true? Nothing good is happening. Invitation to conference. That's interesting. You know what? Okay. Every day we share a great amount of information. This information forms our reality the way we wish to live. We need change. Change starts with us with the information we share. Consumer society leads us to death way. Need a new vector of life. A creative society. It is up to you and to build a creative society world wide human life is the main valve. Development of humanity is human. Safety is the main priority is possible to build a creative society. Now. Yes. Way need to do this unite. And one common idea. Ah, creative society. Yeah, People around the world are already acting is shared the idea of creative society with the whole world to make it learn happened on unique international online conference Creative society united We can December 2010 a m Eastern Time live on a lateral TV. You are the one who can change the future. Everybody needs to know about this. No. Yeah, yeah.