Character Demo

Profile photo for Christina L.H.
Not Yet Rated


This demo highlights my versatility in roles for animation or video games.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So I said to the man tomorrow will not be good day for you. You should stay inside you know watch tv puzzle. But does he listen to Madame? Nor he will take crosstown bus just like every day. And this is where it gets bad dear Flora and fauna. We are gathered here today to mourn our friend madame de Lyon before he had even gone to seed, he was sadly struck down and decapitated in his prime. You think you can take my kingdom, you can subjugate my citizens and defeat my warriors. You see me as just some mewling fond that you can break like a twig. Let me dispel those notions right now. Designation Commander Sheila Latin, rank Lieutenant Commander, Third Division Mission, peacekeeping and civilian safety Lieutenant Commander. Sheila Latin Is a brilliant tactical soldier currently stationed on the 3rd Moon of Paragon four. Hi, I'm Christina tasted thanks for listening.