Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Christina L.H.
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A variety of ad copy, from character to conversational.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my allergies, His allergies. Who knew that When my husband and I promise to love and honor each other, we should have included sharing our facial tissues in the house. Hot life is perfect. A spot in the sun for all of you on. What more could we ask for this summer? One woman will risk everything, Her career, her sanity and even her designers, shoes. Every summer I'd spend hours at the beach flying brightly colored kites with my dad are high flying adventures inspired me not only to move to the coast, but to start the shoreline kite company. If you're looking for a happening place to spend your saturday night, come spend some time at the vamp, enjoy dinner and drinks in a club where you can actually hear your date dress up and chill out at the vamp. The only place for hot dates and cool jazz. Hi, I'm Christina, haste Ed. Thanks for listening.