Luxury Demo

Profile photo for Nelson Morales, Jr.
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Recorded VO and mixed sound for multiple luxury brands ads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What if you could change your surroundings with a touch of a finger? Now you can biometric ID inside the innovative New Mercedes Benz C class. When you start with Petro as you always should, any cocktail can be simply perfect over the last 100 years. Lincoln has witnessed a good bit of history. Even made some themselves. Makes you wonder what they'll do for an encore. There are still depths no one has ever reached, there are still calls. No one has answered tag Hoyer, whether you drive a Porsche 9 11, whether you drive a Porsche 7 18, whether you drive a Porsche, pan Porsche, nothing even comes close. You want a high floor, you want to be on the east side of the pool. You want Ahi Tuna at 2 35 in the morning. You want Conrad hotels. The moment you become an Expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels and never wonder if you got a good deal because you did.