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A news broadcast on the radio.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
good afternoon. I am now de Sanni in your three o'clock news. A man arrested for theft of e talk entry cameras and the world's first electricity generating dinner plate Man has been arrested in connection with the death of E talk entry cameras, 46 year old Evan Rupture and the press statement from his lawyer on Monday State today was tired of paying for something he felt was wrong. Thought that he would be doing everyone a favor by dismantling the cameras off the Ito country. Situated on his route to work, police are yet to find the cameras that were stolen, as these would be key evidence in the case against Mr Lupsha. Crew of sciences have been rescued. When the research ship ran aground off the coast of Amanda's last night, the core five scientists were researching the mating habits of jellyfish when the ship ran aground on a sandbank, giving it and its crew stranded. The scientists are grateful to the rescue workers, with one even stating there was so engrossed in their research they forgot to stay on the ship. Canadian teenager has just won the prestigious power science Award after creating the first ever electricity generating dinner plate. This plate not only allows a person to eat off of it, but also used the heat from the food to generate electricity, which is then stored in a battery to be used at a later stage. Scientists are saying this could revolutionize the world as we know it. Harnessing power from food in your weather. Johannesburg 27 degrees Pretoria ******* Wanna, 28 degrees Cape Town, George N. P. E. 32 degrees. We'll have your news headlines again at 3 30.