Who's Really In Your Bubble?

Profile photo for Nicole Light
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This radio ad was for a local health organization. It was put out around the holidays to encourage people to be safe with COVID when it comes to holiday gatherings.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, everyone loves to celebrate during the holidays, and it feels safe to gather with close friends and family. But before you gather, ask yourself, Do I really know who's in my bubble? Your bubble may Onley include the people you live with and a few close friends. But what if those friends have other friends that they include in their bubble? And what if those friends have friends in their bubble? Before you know it, your bubble could include a lot of people you don't know. Increasing your risk to not only becomes sick but to spread it to those who love the best way to stay healthy is to keep your bubble small and Onley. Gather with people who live with you. When you keep your bubble small, you're making sure you do not get sick, and you are taking care of your friends, your family and your community because together we can keep each other safe. For more information, go to Virginia Garcia dot org's