International Missionary Report Voiceover

Profile photo for Nichole Roberson
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International Missionary Report Voiceover

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
presenting the report of the connection treasurer of the Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Shand LR Ivy for the 2021 executive board meeting a special thanks to each one of you for your stewardship, faithfulness and contributions. You make this report possible. It is an honor to serve as your connection treasurer. Since our last meeting, we have accomplished the following. At the onset of the Cove in 19 Pandemic, we began and ultimately completed an upgrade and migration to an online accounting system via QuickBooks. This allows us to remotely and securely access our accounting systems and financials from virtually anywhere with connectivity. In addition, it helps ensure accurate and consistent recording of financial transactions as a service focused organization. When it was brought to our attention that we would be receiving a 25% decrease in our sustentable in from the General Church, we met with Madam President and other W M s leadership to prepare and revise the 2020 2021 operating budget, all Internal Revenue Service forms and reports toe other taxing jurisdictions were prepared and timely filed streamlining of W. M s A. M E. C bank accounts with Bank of America, as well as ensuring all proper credentials are in place and continuing to explore additional ways to raise income through the W. M s branding boutique. As you can see, these are the Episcopal District budgets we have received to date totaling $141,000. Please note some district's remit their budget payments at the seat of the executive board meeting. Because of your support, R. W. M s branding boutique is thriving. If you haven't had an opportunity to see all that we have to offer, please visit the boutique at www dot w. M s dash am e c dot org's. For the last year, we raised income of 130,000 $341.78 from sales and spent $62,189.19 in merchandise, netting us an income of $68,159.59 for the 2020 calendar year. Looking forward into the remainder of this year, we will endeavor to get the audits completed for the 2020 and 2021 years for the women's missionary society, specifically are 2020. Audit was delayed due to the Cove in 19 pandemic, but this will be a priority to be completed in the very near future.