Compilation of TV and Online ads

Online Ad


Conversational, Inspired, relaxed, smooth, guy next door, approachable , conversational , North American

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The incredibly thin ultralight widescreen titanium portable supercomputer, the new Macbook, I've certainly made some bad decisions in my day, like trying to climb a chain link fence naked. That's why I come to Fridays, no bad decisions. There's Mozart's piano sonata in B flat, major, there's schubert sonata in a minor and then there's the all new Hyundai sonata in a 14 step electro charged paint rodeo dip because beautiful works of art are meant to last. You can't always be smooth, but your beer should be smooth brew for that smooth keystone taste. Keystone light is always smooth, even when you're not one day when I'm hard at work. You know, surfing the net, I stumble across office depot dot com, one click bada, bing, bada boom. We live in a smart world, smart cards, smart credit cards and now smart engine oils, Shell Rotella is about to introduce the world to energize protection.