Commercial Narrative

Profile photo for Nobby Ahluwalia
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This is a studio recorded sample of various commercials

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
suspicions secrets. A staff that can present a formal dinner in 10 minutes or hide a corpse. It must be murder in the palace. My opponent doesn't have a perception problem. He has a reality problem. November 6th vote for true change, vote Kendall for Congress. Let's spend one now from 1965. You're listening to summer days by the music notes, bobbie from Boise At 42. He can dance to it. You're right. I just couldn't stop. I'd eat just one of those rum truffles or cocoa dusted almonds and before I knew what I had done, they were all gone. The bookworm is the only place in town where being sociable and friendly is a must. You enjoy our comfortable setting, crackling fireplaces in the latest in fiction, art and new releases. That's when I saw Vermont farms, carrot ginger soup. I could see the sunny orange color and creamy texture of it in the jar and it was certified organic. Thank you for listening. I'm Nobby Ahluwalia.