Voice-over Demo - Nola Klop

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My voice-over demo reel featuring a range of reads with Standard North American, British RP and Dutch/European English accents.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Dutch North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
smaller companies who could benefit from Salesforce often worry about initial setup costs. Let us help your business rise to the next level together. We can do more than just keep the lights on. Hello, Thank you for calling our office. Were unavailable. To return your call at the moment. Please leave a message. The secret too moist and elastic skin, highly concentrated pure hyaluronic acid by dry freezing well large. The answer was found in helium three. A powerful isotope discovered in abundance on the moon with it. Humanity could satisfy its energy demand for decades to come. Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Lindsay Rogers. What about you? Reach as far as you can and back and again. Let the audio signals guide you. That was it. See you tomorrow. Dear visitors. The reading room is about to close. Would you be so kind as to return your archive records to the reception desk? Because we believe that nature deserves a healthier debate, that transportation problems can be solved and that there is a need to create a society where equality and belonging are at the base. Don't be afraid. That's what's so great about the archive. You me and every person stalled here will never disappear or be forgotten.