Nick Ward - Documentary Narrative - Cheetahs



We listen in on a nature documentary...

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
is inhabit dry on open areas such as deserts, steppes, savannas and grasslands. A KCIA scrubs. Unlike woodland, they never entered dense forests or thickets in Africa. Cheetahs once occurred in these types of habitat, from the Mediterranean to the Cape Peninsula and in Asia from the northern Arabian Peninsula eastwards to the Deccan Plateau and West Bengal in India. Until the first half of the 20th century, cheetahs were killed by sport hunters and became scarce throughout their range. In South Africa, they were hunted toe almost extermination by the 19 thirties in Arabia that have not seen any reliable records since the 19 fifties. The Qatar A depression in Egypt was considered their last refuge. By the 19 sixties in India, they were declared extinct in 1952. Since the 19 fifties, cheetahs have been eradicated in at least 13 countries by both farmers and trophy hunters. Between 1978 in 1994 more than 9500 cheetahs were killed on Namibian farmlands alone. Today, cheetah populations air small and isolated with viable populations in about half of the countries where they survive. Their remaining strongholds are in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana and Namibia. The remaining population of Adriatic cheetahs. Onley survives in fragmented, protected areas in eastern Iran. In 2000 and eight, this population was considered very small, comprising less than 50 reproducing animals.