Comedic Swindling

Video Narration


Different tactics and playing with voices to swindle a line.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, how's it going? I think it around. Ah, and may the blessings of Gorby under you as well. What? Ever. Hey, just got to say that you, my friend, are rocking that, um What is it? Horn thing? Yeah, you're looking fine. Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry to bug you. My little bitty kids holding my place up there. Oh, cheers. Ah, kid, which I totally made up, You sucka! Hey, guys, do you want if you drop a gold coin because I saw one behind you? Yeah, Up the line. Yep. You're welcome. That's me being a good citizen. No, wait, it's me. Oh, no, You're not still angry. Seriously, how could I know it was your mother even know your kind had them? I can totally explain. Oh, you actually Do You want me to explain? Yeah. Um Ah, nope. I got nothing. May I say you also a rockin that I'm horn thing? That