Narrative demo

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Tone, pitch, ability to bring to script to life

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Roger was a great and wise king. He treated all of the people in his kingdom with kindness and nobility. One day, while picking apples in his royal orchard, King Roger heard a rustle from one of the nearby bushes. He thought nothing of it and continue to fill his bushel with shiny, plump red apples. Suddenly, he saw something fall out of the bushes. Model railroading has its origins in the 18 forties, but it didn't become the hobby. It is today, until the turn of the century, when electric powertrains became popular. Today, model trains are a huge business on the model. Railroading world is a complicated one. There are numerous scales off sizes of trains. There are pros and cons of each scale, mostly space requirements and level of detail. There are some instructions to help you set up your personalised mailbox here at Inter Male. We've already assigned you a secure server and access phone numbers, So what you need to do is set up an account, name and password. This will allow you to access your voice mail and email from the office or when you're away. Once you've set up your mailbox, we recommend testing your account. You can do this by simply logging on with your account name and choosing the test option from the main menu. Thanks for listening. I'm Zeph Yusof.