British English with Chinese accent in varies projects



demos from varies projects, Chinese accents can be strong or light for different projects. British accent can be adjust upon requests.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Standard Mandarin Chinese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was born in a family who runs such business. My father started to collect antiques back in the 19 sixties in Taipei. I was majoring in architecture when I was in university after graduation. Influenced by my mom, who is also a lantern creator, it became involved in this traditional craft. Then, naturally, it has become my lifelong career. The looting and burning of the old Summer Palace was a very important event and a turning point in China's history. Let me put it like this. For Chinese people, it's pain. It's a scar that will never heal. Layers of white between the clouds, mist and snow were clearly perceptible and ever changing. At that moment, my heart was completely felt by these images of cloud and mist meandering. I saw your email. This is very helpful. Did you find all these things on the Internet? I showed your mother. She said You should have been a doctor. She sends her love, by the way, One of these days we're going to have to show me how you can find all those things. I wish I would have known this before. I should have known this before. I think Okay. The doctor is here. We have to go. Thank you, son. I love you. We love you. It's your week. Okay. Okay. Yes, of course. I like. I said to the ambulance guy. I was in another room and called out to her. And then I found her on the floor. In our din. Yes. She, um there was vomit underneath her and she was just on the floor. I tried to I tried to talk to her, but she did it. She couldn't see anything.