English drama with chinese accent.

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played an Old Chinese man in a short drama

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General) Standard Mandarin Chinese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Is she a week? Okay. Okay. Yes, of course I like I said to the ambulance guy. I was in another room and called out to her. And then I found her on the floor. In our din. Yes. She, um there was vomit underneath her and she was just on the floor. I tried to I tried to talk to her, but she did it. She couldn't see anything. She was She was just so confused and going in and out. No, not at all. I kept trying. I think I was yelling at her, trying to get her to wake up. But she was just Yes, yes, right away. That's when I called the ambulance. 65. She's her birthday's on Saturday. She will be 66. She's my wife. 30 years. 30 years ago. Starting in? Yeah. I was in the kitchen and then seven. What time is it now? Yes. Then it was around seven. I think she has her heartbeat. Is she has a heart problems. Her heartbeat is off. Our free bead. Last something? Yes. God, That's it. I can never remember a fib.