
Profile photo for Abbey Bail
Not Yet Rated


Podcast's sole voice actor

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
gold spotters is a musical talent. Discovery and star making platform for teens and young adults are audiences mostly composed of tech savvy Jen's ears, who exclusively used their phones and social media to find new artists and listen to music beyond their role as consumers. However, most of our platforms users are budding talent themselves, and they favour authentic D I. Y approaches to production and promotion, where, in the process of launching a branded podcast called Gold Spotters Port, each episode will feature a new musician who can provide tips and tricks for newcomers striving to get their big break and established their name in a transforming music industry. In one sense, our podcast will accompany and boost the platform, so the voice actor who performs each episode's intro will serve as a Gold Spotters brand advocate. At the same time, we want the podcast to be able to stand on its own for listeners who don't yet use gold spotters. But your youthful, authoritative advice about online music making and self promotion