Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Otto Torio
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This demo was produced at On The Mic Training in Vancouver, BC, along with my animation demo. It showcases a variety of younger voices in commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
back to School Madness. It's staples. JanSport backpacks 24 99 scan is 32. Big Flash Drive. Just 8. 99 Staples. Yeah, we've got that. When my brother got sick, he had to go to the city for his treatment. It was scary, but thanks, Ron McDonald house. Me mom and dad could be there with him. Blueberry, strawberry, watermelon. I want them all. Kids can't get enough of fruit roll ups. Mega bounce ticks All the boxes for your next birthday party with everything from laser tag to climbing walls, arcade games and our famous absorbing arena lizards who came a flaw. Poisonous sneaks get up close and personal, but not too close reptile world.