Shawn Ouellette's Commercial Demo

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dr Pepper is a doctor. His last name is Pepper. His specialty is quenching thirst. Isn't it time you had a check up, Dr Pepper? One you crave when you joined. Teach for America. You're helping to improve the lives of people across the country. From the Children you teach to their families at home and even yourself. Learn more at teach for America dot or GTA, everything is bigger at five. Guys like our regular burgers. They're double burgers in our fries. They're always bottomless. Five guys. Burgers and fries. Handcrafted goodness. Since 1986. You want to look your best, but you don't want to spend your whole morning in front of the mirror. Ax, hair gel and cream. Smooth, clean, effortless. Always look your best acts.