Narrative Demo

Profile photo for Patrick Macke
Not Yet Rated


4 Narrative scripts

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Robin Williams may have been the funniest person alive. If you need proof, google literally anyone of his stand up routines. The guy could do five different characters at once, all of which were hilarious. But how about this for a hot take. Williams was even more talented as a dramatic actor. Think great white sharks are the most feared predators in the ocean. Think again, orcas a. K. A. Killer whales are bigger, faster and stronger than great whites. They're also a whole lot smarter. After all, orcas are dolphins with highly advanced brains that allow them to outmaneuver their prey just like in life and dungeons and dragons experience matters. The more adventures your character completes, the more challenges they overcome, the more experience points they gain, accumulate, enough points in, your character will gain A level which grants them new capabilities. And that's when things get interesting. Asperger's syndrome is widely known but poorly understood. While it's a form of autism, Asperger's has its own unique characteristics. Generally Children and teens with asperger's can perform well in school. But when it comes to more subtle forms of communication, like body language and sarcasm, they can struggle