
Profile photo for Pamela Rickard
Not Yet Rated


Young Frog (Male)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
no, no, no, no, no, no I'm not going to the potluck jamboree this year. We lose every year and you know what happens to losers? They put them in the shame gauge. It's so cold in there. Oh yeah, well guess who knows every inch of this swamp? No, not him. Me. I've explored every mossy rock, every patch of mold, every bloated carcass. You'd be surprised how many of those we got lying around. Okay, so sure I may not have the sculpted physique that you had when you were 12 hop hop, but I've still got a couple of tricks, Lots of tricks, So many tricks. Alright, I picked out some weapons for each of you based on what I thought your fighting style might be. And gotcha spear. Let's put those long arms to use hop hop frying pan because your deadly in the kitchen and sweet sweet Polly boys and darts because of your bloodlust. I do want to support your hobbies, Polly it's just, I don't think I can eat any more mud buzz without throwing up again. Yes san, I'm listening, totally listening, squishing mud with my toes helps me focus. You really should get in on this. This is some high quality mud. Whoa, hold on. Yes, see I'm not pink, I'm more of a salmon. Maybe even light reddish. It depends on the lighting either way, there's a big distinction. No and no