Video Game Compilation

Profile photo for Pamela Rickard
Not Yet Rated


Several Characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
honey. You said you were going out to dinner tonight. What's up? You're not even close to being ready. You said 7 30. It's a quarter to eight. What time are the reservations? Hi mrs hemp. For nick is jenny home. We were supposed to meet up at the mall. She's not answering her phone. Is she here? I'm getting worried. You've got it all wrong batman. When the bomb blows, it won't be the end. But a brand new beginning. Red Queen. What's your game? If that bomb detonates, it'll take half of Gotham with it. Including you. You're insane. Red Queen tell me how to disarm the device before it's too late. I declare. What in tarnation are you young'uns up to? If I didn't know better. I'd say you're all a bunch of juvenile delinquents. I'd tan your hides. Run along now before I call your folks. Go on, get. I've got no choice. If I don't act now, those people will die. I'm the only one that can stop this. I've got one chance. I'll have to distract them just long enough to reach the bomb and disarm it. Somehow I summon the foulest demons of the deepest depths of the pit. Heed my call beasts of the nether realm serve me in my hour of need. I command you rise from the darkness. The virus may have mutated again without a live host. It's impossible to know for certain. If I'm correct. And this is a new strain? We're dealing with the vaccine may be ineffective