Tramp for the Lord, english, biography, frightened but secure in faith

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Not Yet Rated


Audition of Corrie Ten Booms, Tramp for the Lord

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


German North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter two witnesses unto me, it was a week after Betsy had died in Robins Brook that I took my place in the ranks of women prisoners standing together in the icy cold of the early morning. 66730. That is my number. I said weekly as we took our places for roll call. That is my name. I thought how strange that they would call me by name. When they always address us by number, come forward. We were falling in line for the roll call. 10 in the line. Every 1/100 woman, one step forward. My friends looked at me sadly, what does it mean? I asked inwardly punishment, freedom. The gas chamber sent to another concentration camp there was. But one thought that comforted me, what a joy that Betsy is in heaven, no matter what terrible things now happen, she will not have to bear it. The guard, a young German girl shouted at me. Number 66730. I stepped forward, stood at attention and repeated the necessary words, Cornelia Mel Standard number one on the roll call. I went to the place to the far right where I could overlook the entire square of the bleak camp. Standing in the crowd. I could not feel the draft but now standing in the bitter cold, the wind whipped through my ragged prison dress. Another girl, young and frightened was sent to stand beside me. Roll call took three hours and we were almost frozen. She saw how cold I was and rubbed my spine. When the guards were not looking, why must I stand here? I asked through chattering teeth. Her answer was barely audible as it came from her blue lips. Death sentence. I turned back to the Lord. Perhaps I'll see you soon. Face to face like Betsy does. Now, Lord, let it not be too cruel. A killing, not gas, Lord nor hanging. I prefer shooting. It is so quick. You see something, you hear something and it is finished. I looked back at the young girl beside me. Lord, this is perhaps the last chance I will have to bring someone to you before I arrive in heaven. Use me, Lord. Give me all the love and wisdom I need. What is your name? I asked her softly glancing always to see if the guards were looking tiny. I'm Corey. I whispered, how long have you been here? Two years? Did you ever read the Bible? No, I never did. Do you believe God exists? I do, I wish I knew more about Him. But do you know Him? I do, Jesus. His son came to this world to carry our punishment. He died on the cross but he rose from the dead and has promised to be with us. Always, my sister died here. She suffered so much. I too have suffered. But Jesus is always with us. He did a miracle in taking away all my hatred and bitterness from my enemies. Jesus is willing to bring into our hearts. God's love through his holy spirit time. He listened for almost three hours. We talked while the guards completed the roll call, it was a miracle for I had a chance to explain many things about Jesus. The prisoners behind us listened too. I I felt happy perhaps this was my last chance in life. But what joy I continued. Jesus wants to live in your heart. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. He says, if anyone opens the door, I'll come in. Will you open the door of your heart and let him come in and change you? I will. She said, then talk to him, tell him whatever you think. Now you have a friend who never leaves you alone. The siren sounded and the guard shouted at the prisoners. Get the thousands of women prisoners were running to their places where they had to march to their work. Tiny disappeared from sight only I was left standing in my place where I had been ordered not to move. I still did not know what fate awaited me. I did know however that the God who never slumbers nor sleeps was now with tiny and tiny knew it too. Neither of us knew at the time how important that was going to be to her in the next few days. But above the den of the concentration camp, I thought I heard the singing of the angels. Then I heard my name called. Was it death? Oh, thank God. No, it was life. I was being released. I later learned it was through an administrative blunder. But even then I knew it was not the end of an era. It was just the beginning ahead of me was the world.