ShortsTV Promo

Television Ad


Voice over for a TV channel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Do you have a moment? What makes a great movie? Good story. Yes. Big name actors. Maybe. High production value. Yeah. How about duration? Of course not. Short films are almost like feature films. Are you serious? What's the difference? Can you give me a claim? It's simple there. Short, okay, captivating story, famous faces and cinematic experiences. Short films of all of these. That is good. Absolutely, join us here at shorts tv before. Sorry. We have the world's largest library of short films from across the globe with thousands of movies spanning every genre and including spectacular, award winning shorts. Bring the cinema experience home with you and enjoy stunning short films from the comfort of your couch. Welcome to short Stevie. Yeah.