Excerpt \"The Moving Finger - a Miss Marple Mystery/ Agatha Christie

Profile photo for Patsy Schell
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This is one of my samples in my audio exchange site profile; an example of mystery narration

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the moving finger. A Miss marple mystery written by agatha Christie one when at last I was taken out of the plaster and the doctors had pulled me about to their heart's content and nurses had wheedled me into cautiously using my limbs and I had been nauseated by, they're practically using baby talk to me. Marcus Kent told me I was to go and live in the country. Good air, quiet life, nothing to do. That's the prescription for you. That sister of yours will look after you eat sleep and imitate the vegetable kingdom as far as possible. I didn't ask him if I'd ever be able to fly again. There are questions that you don't ask because you're afraid of the answers to them in the same way during the last five months I'd never asked if I was going to be condemned to lie on my back all my life. I was afraid of a bright hypocritical reassurance from sister come now what a question to ask. We don't let our patients go talking in that way. So I hadn't asked. And it had been all right. I wasn't to be a helpless cripple, I could move my legs stand on them. Finally walk a few steps and if I did feel rather like an adventurous baby learning to toddle with wobbly knees and cotton wool souls to my feet. Well that was only weakness and disuse and would pass Marcus Kent. Who is the right kind of doctor answered what I hadn't said, you're going to recover completely. He said, we weren't sure until last Tuesday when you had that final overhaul, but I can tell you so authoritatively now, but it's going to be a long business along. And if I may say so a wearisome business, when it's a question of healing nerves and muscles, the brain must help the body any impatience, any fretting will throw you back and whatever you do, don't will yourself to get well quickly, anything of that kind and you'll find yourself back in a nursing home. You've got to take life slowly and easily. The tempo is marked legato. Not only has your body got to recover, but your nerves have been weakened by the necessity of keeping you under drugs for so long. That's why I say, go down to the country, take a house, get interested in local politics and local scandal in village gossip. Take an inquisitive and violent interest in your neighbors, if I may make a suggestion, go to a part of the world where you haven't got any friends scattered about. I nodded. I had already. I said, thought of that