Day Trip Destiny



Sample of audiobook “Day Trip Destiny” by. BB Montgomery.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the mid morning light showed on the corral and allowed on almost romantic ambience to the entire scene. She spied Caleb almost immediately. He stood above the others. Or did it just seem that way to her? She was surprised to see so many people gathered about. There must be at least 80 including the women and Children. There was a carnival like atmosphere to the whole scene. The young boys were gathered hanging on the corral, and the women and girls were properly sitting in their spot on the small hill. The trees above offered some shade for them. Their eyes connected over the short distance, and she smiled at him. He interrupted the conversation with the other cowboys and started in her direction. ****, them laughed. Here he comes. Miss Jessica. He's already seen how beautiful you look and cannot resist. She watched as he strode over to them. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She felt her breath increase as he closed to the distance between them. Hello, hi, yourself, she replied. She struggled to maintain her composure. He sat down beside them as he addressed his cousin, an Aunt Helen continued with her amusement of the situation. Cousin, You are enamored of Miss Jessica immediately. His aunt chastised her daughter Helen. You shouldn't speak so boldly. Your cousin has every right to be mad at you. Helen looked ashamed in addressed. Caleb. Cousin, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. Helen. That's all right. You are entirely correct. I am enamored of Jessica. He looked directly at Jessica as he spoke. She couldn't turn away.