Paul feranciks commercial demo

Profile photo for paul ferancik
Not Yet Rated


tech read
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medical specialist
financial read
light upbeat read

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the new Mac book Air is the most sophisticated laptop ever created. Every element is expertly designed, from its high resolution display to its edge to edge keyboard. Mac Book. It's lighter than air. I should get new drumsticks. I should get that snare drum fixed. I need to get the band back together. I'll sell it all off on Catch each. Welcome to stress against the restaurant where you literally eat your stress away. Try our new specials like a fistful, a dry cereal or a pile of Parmesan cheese on an old tortilla. Stress against. Eat your troubles away if you're moderate to severe. Also rate of Kaleida symptoms are holding you back. Maybe your current treatment hasn't worked well enough. It may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about in TVO today. Wow! Before I refinanced, I paid so much on my student loans so insane. Speaking of insane, have I not taken a vacation in four years? I should probably do that and get a new car. How about a road trip or Tokyo? Well, I gotta celebrate, and this is why I so five. Everyone loves bacon from bacon, bacon to turkey, bacon to Jill, who brings home the bacon looking Sharpeville. In fact, we support all of you who bring home the bacon. That's why AARP is here to help you find work.