Book read for children's book 'Just William'. Genuine. Jovial. Kind.



Demo reel read from established voice artist with many professional credits. Genuine. Jovial. Kind. Funny. Approachable. Natural.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
William meantime, searched for suitable weapons in the neighboring hedge. He found a short stout stick with which he thought he could stun his opponent. Violet Elizabeth soon came trotting back. The one by the preach is a home guard. William. She said, and the one by the telephone booth is a regular soldier. All right said William, I'll overpower the one by a telephone box. William crept across a field to the point in the road where the telephone box stood. All he could see was a netted tin hat, a khaki battle dress and an enormous pair of boots. So down he pounced. Who are you little devil? You shouted a man? 00 gosh, you, you're a home. God said, William, of course, I'm a home guard. Snap the warrior. And let me tell you, you can get into serious trouble for interfering with a home guard in a pursuit of his duties. William in no condition to venture upon further hostilities, took to flight and never looked back.