Reporters Without Borders - English

Video Narration


AMA Award winning production for Reporters Without Borders

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
freedom of speech is a natural right. Unfortunately, some governments decided to take control of it. Never before have so many countries being affected by online censorship. Too many netizens are currently detained. 10 people were killed this year for expressing their views online. Reporters Without Borders fight for freedom of speech, offline and online. Their weapon is the written word making a true to say, writing helps. Since everybody writes, we turned everybody into a Reporter Without Borders. Writing helps is the first online newspaper against cyber censorship a user generated, interactive and uncensored platform for everyone to become part of it. One just needs to use the hashtag. Writing helps on Twitter, especially created algorithm ranks all tweets according to their popularity making. Writing helps the most democratic newspaper ever. One can choose by language by form of content. After registration, one could donate one euro per tweet and, of course, find background information. On the 12th of March, the World Day against Cyber Censorship writing helps dot com went live after just a few hours. It was full of tweets in many different languages, and visitors came from all over the world, including China and the Emirates one of the twitterers, Yoani Sanchez, the Cuban blogger newspapers and blog's, helped spread the word writing helps issue. Number one was printed as a newspaper on distributed to selected opinion leaders to underline that cyber censorship is not just virtual but effects journalism as a whole, writing helps dot com continues to grow. It is a vivid statement against cyber censorship in the world, written and lectured by the people of the world who no longer want to accept that somebody else gets to decide what they can talk, write or read about.