University Educational video



Informational Video on Florida's Basin Management Action Plan.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is a Florida be map? A bee BAP is a basin management action plan in Florida. Be maps help protect and improve our water quality with specific plans for each basin. Here's how it works. Water quality in Florida, whether springs or rivers or lakes, is critical for people, wildlife and agriculture. As our state grows, lots of different things can allow pollutants to enter our water bodies, things like septic tanks, water treatment facilities, urban and agricultural stormwater runoff even what our pets leave behind when we don't pick up their mess. All these things can have a negative impact on water quality. The runoff from these sources can contain things that affect the balance and health of our water basins, including metals, pathogens, nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen, sediment and other chemicals. How can we manage this? This is a job for Florida's be maps, a set of strategies to reduce or eliminate pollutants entering water bodies and specified areas. The goal is to lower the impacts from all types of land use before it gets to the water. Each type of runoff requires its own group of experts to determine how best to reduce impacts by developing best management practices for their industry or sector. By implementing best management practices, the impacts on our water are reduced and water quality is improved and maintained mhm.