Straight read sample

Profile photo for Paul Davies
Acheivement Badges Rising Star
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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is palliative care If you have a life limiting illness, palliative care can help manage your pain so you can live your life as well as possible for as long as possible and keep doing the things you love. We all know how to stretch things out to get more value out of them. Pulling. Didn't you wear that shirt yesterday day? Yes, well, now there's an easy way to get value by stretching your go card. Further. Simply travel during off peak using go kart and save 20%. I love living at Ecco Ripley, Adecco, Ripley Everything is at your fingertips, and right now house and land is selling from on $299,000. Find out more at Ecco Ripley dot com dot au. The city of Gold Coast's new active and healthy programme is out now. It's full of low cost activities to get you more active while having fun at the same time. At flight centre dot com dot au, search thousands of destinations. Compare and plan your perfect holiday. Have questions. Call us 24 7 Flight centre search, compare book, visit or call