Small Island extract



Audiobook in Caribbean accent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Jamaican (Patois)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Is this the way to English Live? How many times she asked me that question. I lose. Count this the way the English live. That question become a mournful lament side on each and every thing she see. Is this the way the English live? Yes. I tell her. This is the way the English live. There has been a war on many English. Live worse than this. Shifted to the window, Look quizzically upon the scene. Rubber gloved hand. Underpin a glass. Examine it before saying once more. This is the way the English left. Soon the honorable man inside me was shaking my ribs on, thumping my breast, wanting to know Gilbert What in God's name of your done, you know, realize, man? Char you married to this woman? Queenie was still standing by the open door when I did. First the trunk that Hortense and sail across an ocean. Everything all right, Gilbert? Yes, Thank you. I tell her. What did you say your name was? Heartens. Funny name. What? Funnier than Queenie? She gave a little laugh, but I had not made a joke. You have to move that trunk. I need to shut the door some will be away with it if you're not careful, if they can lift it, it's dares are muttered before adding, I'm moving it now, really.