Esupply Canada Recruiting Spot

Online Ad


Commercial VO - English

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Inside you is a drive, a desire to succeed. A passion for helping your community. E supply. Canada offers the chance to achieve these goals by becoming a franchisee as an online distributor of office janitorial and industrial supplies were up against some heavy competition. But unlike the big box stores, we keep the money within our communities. With our training, you'll be able to hone in your entrepreneurial skills, allowing you to connect and develop partnerships with local decision makers. We will support you with everything you need as you find clients within your area from coast to coast to coast. We're looking for individuals who are willing to learn, grow and make a difference. If you're ready for an exciting new opportunity, don't wait, apply today.