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British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)Transcript
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a mysterious outbreak in Liberia appears to be caused by a contagious bacterial infection, according to the U. S. Centres. For disease control, the bacteria can cause meningitis as well as blood infections. Five lions are believed to have escaped from South Africa's biggest wildlife reserve, the National Park Service said someone spotted the lions on a road in Commodity port town near Kruger National Park on Monday morning. A call for a ban on jet skis is working its way through Denmark's parliament. Kenneth Christians and birth call for the ban after two American students were killed in a crash last weekend. He told the AP that Denmark's 98 municipalities should be able to forbid jet skis, but a 2010 Supreme Court ruling allows them citing European Union rolls. Saudi Arabia's severed diplomatic relations with Iran, giving all Iranian diplomatic personnel 48 hours to leave the country and re calling all Saudi diplomats in Iran as tensions rise between the two Persian Gulf rivals. I'm Peter Baker with the latest headlines from the Rivet well desk in the UK