Letter from F Scott Fitzgerald

Profile photo for James Smillie
Acheivement Badges Rising Star


An audiobook in the words of F Scott Fitzgerald Covid 19 meets the Spanish Flu in a crest fallen slightly transatlantic voiceover. Poor old F Scott has frankly had enough. This narration is delivered in a warm soft caring baritone, sad and emotional at times.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A letter from F scott Fitzgerald during the spanish influenza outbreak. Dearest rosemary! It was olympic, dreary day hung as in a basket from a single dull star. I thank you for your letter outside. I perceive what may be a collection of fallen leaves tussling against a trash can. It rings like jazz to my ears. The streets are that empty. It seems as though the bulk of the city has retreated to their quarters rightfully. So at this time it seems very poignant to avoid all public spaces, even the bars, as I told Hemingway, but to that he punched me in the stomach to which I asked if he had washed his hands. He hadn't.