Commercial Demo ┃English ┃Natural ┃ Youthful ┃Warm ┃ Relaxed ┃

Television Ad


Commercial Demo displaying my natural and conversational read. I bring a warm and youthful energy to your project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here's a message from your fellow millennials high. We've all worked very hard, but economically we've been handed a whole lot of B. S. You've got rising living costs surging housing costs. But luckily you can still get your future right because you can get your money right with Sophie what if everything was as easy as buying a Honda right now you can drive an award winning accord for under $300 a month. How easy is that? See your Honda dealer today possibilities. They're not owned by a single sport. They're seen at every serve, every spike, every hurdles removed until no one is kept out hits that show every kid they have a shot to at Adidas. We see possibilities everywhere. Our focaccia made us famous but our new focaccia pizza is about to make you famous with your whole family and your coworker. Oh and your neighbor. I guess Panera order on the app today with master class, you can learn how to make perfect scrambled eggs with Gordon Ramsay take private tennis lessons with serena Williams in writing, advice from Shonda Rhimes with over 85 classes from a range of world class instructors. That thing you've always wanted to do is closer than you think your vibe isn't one size fits all. It's about what suits your body and what suits the moment and it can't be labeled as just one thing because it's just you. So instead of putting it in words, we're putting it in a store introducing shop by stitch fix were so you