I knew you'd do it

Profile photo for Luke Ruiz
Not Yet Rated


The voice intended to be a crazy kind of guy who planned out a way for the victim to get a file to not be open. But the crazy guy only planned it out for the victim and his crew to find out so he can get him where he wants him to be, to be able to take control of all of them. And he needs to find out who he is and along with his friends so the crazy guy can take over them.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
looks like you found out the plan again. I expected she'd find it. That's why you found how another one. Another one. Bring you guys down. Looks like I know what I had a game. Think about it. Always find a way to find out who you are.